Swiss Finish offers the most efficient finishing of small parts with anodising of
aluminium. Very
small parts are quickly anodised in colour or colourlessly in barrels, whether
in mid-sized runs or large-scale production. Stadler AG is thus the leader in Europe when it
comes to barrel anodising.
This is how it works!
Free test
For each bulk order, the feasibility is first precisely determined by means of tests.
Deliver your very small parts to Engelburg. Take advantage of our regional collection service in Switzerland.
Barrel anodising
Final assembly, packaging
Stalder Finish can take care of the entire packaging process for the largest of customer orders. Customers save even more time and resources in this way, thanks to the Stalder Swiss Finish custom package.
Advantages of barrel anodising
Medium to large quantities
Shortest delivery times
Perfect Swiss quality
Economic prices
The barrel pays off! Stadler Finish will also afford you more attractive prices. Talk to us!
Example of colour anodising
Colourless* or in standard colours: red*, blue*, black*, green, bilious green*, yellow*, orange, violet, gold*, grey, pink, bronze, turquoise
*Sample image of aluminium workpieces
process for aluminium
of very small parts
kinds of parts can be barrel processed
- Very small parts made of aluminium (electrolytic oxidation)
- Medium to large quantities can be processed in bulk.
- Round, cylindrical (flat parts cannot be processed)
- Minimum volume for the test: 2 cubic decimetres
- Diameter approx. 2–8 mm
Length approx. 2–65 mm
Have your workpieces tested for feasibility now.
- Screws
- Rivets
- Nipples
- Nuts
- Bolts
- Turned parts
Max. layer: 15 micrometre thickness
Colourless or in standard colours: red, blue, black, green, bilious green, yellow, orange, violet, gold, grey, pink, bronze, turquoise
- Reject rate depending on geometry of approx. 0.5–20%
· All special colours possible upon request
Stalder Swiss Finish
Stalder Finish guarantees:
- The most durable corrosion protection
- Ceramic hard surfaces
- Perfect look
- Gentle handling of all parts
- Conservation of environmental and energy resources
- High process reliability during reproduction
- Superior quality management
- Small order with visual checks, large orders with high-tech quality assurance machines
Contact person
Cedric Stalder
Member of the Executive Board,
Area Manager Aluminium & Stainless steel
Head of
Service Center,
Specialist in Barrel Anodising